Thursday, October 1, 2009

Brando, Sinatra, and John Gotti

According to Victoria Gotti's new book, "This Family of Mine:"
* John Gotti and Brando hung out. Matthew Broderick once approached Gotti at a restaurant to ask if the godfather would have a drink with him and Marlon Brando. Gotti declined, but sent a bottle of bubbly to the actors. When Broderick made a second plea, Gotti brought Brando to his Ravenite Social Club. "That night, the reel-life godfather came face-to-face with the real-life godfather," Victoria writes. * He was pals with Leona Helmsley. Victoria writes that Helmsley denied the feds permission to "infiltrate" the wedding of John "Junior" Gotti at the Helmsley Palace by posing as staff, and instead hung a 20-foot Italian flag on the hotel's facade for the affair. When Gotti died, it was Helmsley's jet that brought his body back to New York. * He despised Frank Sinatra. "My father hated Sinatra, and wouldn't dare attend a concert of his," Victoria writes. "In fact, Dad never attended a concert in his life . . . He said they were 'too loud' and 'a breeding ground for trouble.' "